KV Computer Services - Personnel

We are pleased to announce that KV Computer Services now offer a P11D Benefits and Expenses application for use on the iSeries computer.

This new development, which integrates fully with our existing applications, offers the end User a comprehensive system for the production of employee P11D documents and the electronic filing of this data to HMRC.

The new application will, at the Users request, draw down employee data from within our existing database to commence the process of filing a P11D return. This will invoke calculations for the benefit of vehicles used by any employee in the tax year and any Medical/Health benefit.

Comprehensive maintenance functions allow the User to view and / or maintain P11D data whilst also recording other assets or benefits which may be applicable to employees.

In-built reporting functionality also exists which allows the User to produce reports of varied content at any stage during the P11D process.

Upon request, the User can generate a P11D file to be forwarded electronically to HMRC via the internet and the employee s P11D document which are printed via Microsoft Word on a chosen printer.

As data can be recorded within our database during the course of the Tax Year e.g. vehicle usage, the normal issues of processing all data at the end of the year are removed. The benefit derived from this method is a simple and less demanding process of filing your P11D return at the end of the year.

  • Draws upon information held in existing KV database
  • Automatic calculation of benefits e.g. vehicles
  • Ability to Review / Maintenance data prior to submission
  • Manually add employees to database, if required
  • Full reporting facilities
  • Full validation of data to ensure on-line submission of P11D return is acceptable to HMRC
  • Submit P11D return electronically direct to HMRC
  • Produce employee copy of P11D via Word
  • Produce Address Labels, if required
  • Full History of previous years returns
  • Produce P46(Car) schedule for in year changes
  • All parameters soft coded for User maintenance